Kim Morris's Portfolio

An model of a Dodge Challenger.

A 3d model of Zero Suit Samus made for class.

A 3D model of Cardia from Code Realize.

The large tree that makes up the center point of Rainforestia, based on an Idea I had for a game.

The interior of the giant tree, it houses an treasure. This image shows midday lighting.

The interior of the giant tree, it houses an treasure. This image shows morning lighting.

The interior of the giant tree, it houses an treasure. This image shows the treasure. That was hidden in the room.

The interior of the giant tree, it houses an treasure. This image shows night lighting.

A level based on a game idea, called Vampire's Revenge. Created in Unreal. You start in the grave yard and work your way through the mansion.

This is the 1st floor foyer area of the mansion.

The study.

The ball room.

The 2nd floor foyer.

The red room, here you will find a letter that tells of a secret room.

Here is the hidden Letter that tells of the hidden door.

The ghost door that is told in the letter, is a locked door that has no collision box, so you can walk through it.

Which leads to the Ghost room.

A 3D model of the Pikachu Punch Bug.

Overview screen shot of a game level made in Unreal.

A screen shot of the tower as well as other house in the level. This is where the character starts from.

A screen shot of the character walking around in the level.

This is a screen shot of one of the Temples in the level.

This is a screen shot of one of the Temples in the level.